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How to Launch Your New Products on Instagram?


Launching a new product is exciting, but it can also be very stressful. You want your new product to do well and sell out, but the last thing you want is for it not to live up to expectations. Launching your products on Instagram can be a great way to build hype around them while generating sales in a short amount of time; however, if you don’t plan things correctly then your hard work will likely go down the drain! In this post we’ll talk about how to launch your new products on Instagram in an effective way that boosts both awareness and sales.

Build anticipation for your new product launch.

To build anticipation for your new product launch, you can use a countdown timer. This will help keep people interested and excited while they wait for the big day. You can also add hashtags like #comingsoon or #instagramteaser to let people know that something special is coming soon. You can also use teaser videos to build up excitement by sharing sneak peeks of what the product looks like or how it works.

Choose the right day and time to launch your product.

Choosing the right day and time to launch your product is an important step. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Choose a day when your audience is most active. You want to reach as many people as possible, so choosing a day with high engagement rates will help ensure that you get maximum exposure for your content.

Avoid holidays, major events and weekends when people are less likely to be browsing Instagram or spending money on social media platforms like this one! You’ll also want to avoid December since it’s right around Christmas time–people may not want anything else before their holiday celebration starts!

Create an awesome campaign video.

Choose a video that will grab your audience’s attention.

Use a video that explains the product and why it is different.

Show how to use the product in action.

Showcase how great your product is as an end result of using it!

Follow up with a well-thought-out campaign strategy.

Use email marketing, social media and customer service to help sell your product.

Use customer reviews to help sell your product.

Provide incentives to get people to buy from you instead of the competition or elsewhere online (such as cash back offers).

Use hashtags, but don’t overuse them.

Hashtags are a great way to get your product in front of the right people. They’re also a great way to annoy those same people and make them unfollow you! So make sure that when using hashtags on Instagram, you do so strategically and only use one or two at most (more than that will just look spammy). If the hashtag isn’t relevant to your content or doesn’t fit with what others would search for when looking for something similar, then don’t use it.

Don’t use overly specific hashtags either–they’ll just confuse people who follow different niches within your target audience! For example: if I were selling yoga mats online but targeting yogis specifically (yogis who practice hot yoga), I might consider using #hotyoga instead of something broader like #yoga_mats_for_sale because there might be other types of mats available online besides just “yoga” ones (like Pilates)..

Make sure your Instagram Story is nice and clean!

Before you launch your new products, make sure to clean up your Instagram Story. You should have a clear call to action that tells people what they can do next. For example:

If someone taps on a link in your story, go straight through to the landing page or website where they can purchase your product.

If someone watches an entire video, ask them if they have any questions before sending them away from the app (this ensures they don’t forget about it).

If there’s one thing I learned during my time at H&M and Nike, it’s that consistency is key when it comes to branding! It doesn’t matter if it’s an ad campaign or just some content on social media–your brand has its own voice and style; so use this opportunity wisely! Don’t try too hard with fancy graphics/videos/etc., because chances are people won’t pay attention anyway unless there’s something compelling behind them (i.e., discounts).

You can launch products on Instagram in a smart way!

Instagram is a powerful platform that can help you to launch your new products and increase sales.

You can use hashtags to attract new followers, promote your product, increase engagement and build a community around your brand. But how do you know which hashtags are the most effective? And what about those misleading ones? In this article I will tell you how to launch products on Instagram in a smart way!


We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to launch your new products on Instagram. Remember that the key to success is being thoughtful, creative and consistent! Make sure you have a strategy in place before jumping into any social media campaign so that it can be executed well from start to finish.






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